Submission Guidelines

Thank you so much for your interest in publishing with Integrity Publishing. We look forward to helping you produce a book of excellent quality and encouraging you on your writing journey.
The following guidelines will help you with the submission process.
- Manuscript should be a Word document (.doc or .docx)
- Save your file: LAST NAME, First Name – Your Title.doc
- Format: one inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced.
- No images should be embedded in the manuscript.
- Check Scripture quotations carefully for accuracy. Place reference and version used beside each quotation in parenthesis (e.g. Psalms 119:1, NLT).
- Check other quotes for accuracy and include source for attribution and citation creation. Place source in parenthesis.
- Submissions should be reflective of your best work. Check spelling, grammar, and story flow for clarity and conciseness. All manuscripts published by Integrity Publishing will be professionally edited and formatted. Cost fluctuates depending on the level of editing required.